Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Random Thoughts

When i was watching TV awhile ago, i couldn't help but cried on a scene with the Korean telenovela entitled "Hello, My Lady", the scene was a guy surprised a girl he loves on her birthday, he arranged a birthday party for her, the most touching part was when the guy sang "SHE" with full admiration for the girl, just like the scene on my favorite movie "My Sassy Girl", when Gyun Wo surprised the girl during her class, brought her a long stem rose, while the girl even surprised him playing the piano on her recital with the song "Pachelbel Cannon"; And its really reminds me of my dream; before i was one of those people who aspire to become a millionaire, have my dream beach house or rest house in tagaytay, but as time goes by and as i matured things changed, even my dreams changed. I do believe that the only permanent thing in this world is change, life is dynamic; from a million dollar worth of dreams, mine changed into a simpler one,i just want to change my family's ways of living and as long as i can buy all my necessary things, I'm fine with it. But there's one dream that caused me to cry with those scenes I've mentioned, all my life i always wanted to have someone beside me, i always picture myself sitting on the passenger seat with that someone,cook for him, prepare his clothes pamper and take care of him, and i always wanted that someday someone will surprise me with those kinds of things just like those gentlemen did to their lady.I'll be the most happiest person if someone will dedicate, play the piano, do something sweet, or sing, "BE My Lady" or "She Will Be love", these songs really strikes me the most, being wanted and loved, admire and taking cared of. It shows that i am really a hopeless romantic type. I'm tired doing all the sacrifices for all the people i love, and i know i deserve a treat, everyone deserves a treat. I don't want to spread that i ain't blissful as a matter of fact i am, but there are times you will feel the emptiness, loneliness, or longings.

There were moments that life will uplift you, One time i was stunned that there really people who admire you though you're not a celebrity or a famous personality. i don't want to brag or something but i really appreciate when my friend told me that if there's one thing she's envious or want to trade in me, and that's my success in career, although i didn't consider now that I'm successful because I'm just halfway in my goals in life, but i do consider all my achievements as a success little by little, step by step. It really moves me that a certain part of my life that before doesn't matter for me, unknowingly, a thing that i should be proud of.

I know that the Lord above saved the best thing, the best person for me, that's why I'm not in a hurry, i just enjoying life, all the Ups and Downs, maybe one part of my life is successful which is my career and my love life is poor, but as many people would say career and love is not always balance there's one aspect that always suffer, but i have strong faith that soon the other aspect of my life will blossomed and flourished, so I'm saving forever and my love for that special someone and final words "the true meaning of fate is building a bridge of chance for the one you love". So, we have to work on it, it takes patience and a prayer. thanks for reading.

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