Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Sweet Escape

You may associate this entry to Gwen Estefani's huge hit single last 2007, its kinda related due to the lyrics "If i could escape, and recreate a place of my of my own world". For me, i do believe we are all "escapist" in are own little world, we have all our different ways how to escape life stress, chaos, and even avoiding difficult people. I was inspired to write this entry because i found out that i have a numerous ways of escaping, let say I'm an escape artist. lols.

Seriously, when i am woe and broken, and almost knocking to the door of the "Department of Temporary Insanity" i always do daydreaming, i fantasize places i want to visit, people i want to be with, and career i would prefer if I'm not in my shoes today, its a great relief temporarily from the realm of your true status quo. Recently, i went home to Bulacan to a paid a visit to my family and later found out, coming home to the place you we're born is a good di-stress activity, surely, there's no place like home, the comfort it brings, the slow-paced life, the fresh air, an escape from the fast-paced life away from the metropolis.

Yesterday, i had an acquaintance with one of my gal pal, we talked about almost everything, and updated ourselves with all the major changes happened to us. What strikes me the most was the news that our closet-gay friend now have a new boyfriend, and she wants me to keep it a secret because our friend wanted to keep it a secret between the two of them, which now its not a secret anymore, obviously. I felt weird when i heard the news, i dunno if i felt peculiar, emptied or insecure, maybe the last two because, i am single for almost three years now. Though, i accept it already that maybe i was one of the chosen few born to be single, still I'm not losing hope that someday i will find "HIM". Just what I've said to my friend, "I'm saving the best for last" and i know that what He has in store for me is much more to my expectation. I'm not hoping because its pure expectation instead i have "Faith" that he will come. Faith is believing that something good is in store for you, right?

Ainan :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe ur meant to be single? maybe not... malay mo its just not the ryt time for that. (: