Tuesday, August 31, 2010

" A Truest Friend From a Friend's Points Of View"

What's your definition of a friend? Is he the one who goes out with you every party moments or drinking session? Or the whose been there in every ordeal or obstacles you had encountered? Maybe the person who comforted you and cried with you during the heartbreaks and laugh every time you're in love?

You might say all the definition i cited is true, you might agree that a true friend is beneficial and an indispensable part of your life. I was lucky enough that on my journey to life i had encountered people from all walks of life. People who became part of my life and would describe me as i can describe myself. Some maybe a good acquaintance and some stayed and become loyal.

I have two girl friends I considered as my best of friends. Two ladies who knows me and accepted as who I am. Through absence and presence the magical bond have never ended. As paying tribute to the genuine friendship they shared to me allow me to present a composition who tells how much i valued our friendship:; To my cousin Sidney and my good friend Michelle this song's for you

"Right By My side"

When I was down I just called up
to her and she will listen.
Giving advises and comfort to
ease the pain.
And after I cried on her shoulder
I start to feel better.
Coz she's a friend. Oh! a true friend.

And I am so thankful, and I am
so blessed.
Having that wonderful person
And I don't have to cry all alone.
Coz she will be right here,
right by my side.

There come a time that
distance will interfere. Oh! yeah.
But our bond and connection will
never disappear.
Memories of good times &
bad times that made me strong.
Will always be treasured, my friend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Our Country Needs Right Now

I am profusely saddened of what transpired last Monday. The hostility and violence that floats in the atmosphere was quite underrated. The hostage drama was quite phenomenal that captured the attention not just the whole country but the rest of the world. I'm deeply torn while watching it on live television, it was heart-pounding while imagining how those lives was taken by the perpetrator. There we're many lives taken and I can't imagine that those Hongkong Nationals we're here to paid visit and had fun but end up in a gruesome crime.

My prayers and my heart goes to the victims and families. I'm praying for the eternal repose of their souls and peace. What had happened was truly disturbing nobody deserves to be in that situation not those Chinese-Nationals nor Filipinos. I couldn't condone the act of the perpetrator. At first he was cooperative but when the agitation and anguish sets in the hostility of his crime out pours alongside with the rain.

I'm quite exasperated by the outcome of the incident. I know our authorities had lapses with the actions they had made. With the decisions they made. Its quite depressing that it really shows how incompetent our forces are. We had lack of equipments and inexperience with such crime. Its not an excuse that we belonged to a Third World Country but how can you expect a poor country to produce a well-choreographed crime response?! Its no excuse that many lives suffered but we Filipinos doesn't need all this racism and outrage. Our authorities did their best in the extent of their power to save those lives. But things happened beyond our control. I understand where their coming the outpouring of anger but the act of one doesn't reflect the whole, doesn't reflects the whole country.

I am reading the threading of messages in Facebook and I'm quite disturb of some fellow remarks regarding the incident. The finger-pointing was not necessary at this point. Why blame the cops for the incompetence of the system, which the rotten system of delayed justice was the main culprit why this incident happened. We are not washing are hands from the incident but all those people did their best to assault the perpetrator.

I hope Hongkong people would not take it against the Filipinos working in their country. They should take into account the professionalism and the hospitality we're giving. And Filipinos should work hand and hand to rebuilt our country's reputation. We should defend our nation not to mock our own. I am not in favor of the outcome but we deserve to be treated as fair as possible. STOP RACISM!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Defying Gravity

It took me so long before I posted another entry because I'm so busy with life nowadays actually work to be exact. Being a nurse ate my time so much, it comes to a time that in a day after work i just slept, ate and watch T.V so monotonous. The title speaks only my fascination to Glee being a certified Gleek and soon my endeavor to follow my dreams.

This coming September 04, 2010 I'm officially two years in my work and the bond ended soon I'm going to face a bigger picture of my ideals, the culmination of my aspiration to help my family. Most of us wanted to work abroad able to give our families a better future quite a cliche' but its a vivid reality. I was supposed to take the first step by having a review and took the Ielts but due to some inevitable circumstances I opted to postponed it yet. Now I'm still here undecided what step should I'll be taking next, clueless of what in store for me in the future.

Bluntly, I am so tired of my present situation; Since my sister left for the States and I become the sole breadwinner for my Mother and my Sister and her daughters my life wasn't become as stable as before, there times that I'm broke that i don't know what to do next, I have dues that have to be paid off even if I work in a high-end hospital the compensation isn't enough to cover all the fines and bills attached to me. I have to be strong because I know I have to but I'm only human and a normal being can only take too much, and all of these are too much to bear.
I'm a well-rounded person and a God-fearing one maybe my coping mechanism works well but indefatigable works solely for superheroes and I ain't one.

During my contemplation I kept on thinking maybe the reason I am not successful in the Love aspect of my life because I have a much bigger responsibility, I have my two nieces that needs to send to school so many reasons to strive better for a good living. Just like my sister always told me its gonna be paid off I adamantly hope soon its gonna be paid off.

My hope still rekindles but sooner that light will dim and I prayed to God before that lights become dimmer let His love shines upon me. Just like what my favorite quotation said " Continue to make your life shine, to be the light and guide by others"
