Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Nurse Staff Effectiveness training (NSET)

"The 'End' of some body's time, is my time to 'Shine'".

Gosh! July 3,2008 will be the date of our graduation in NSET at St. luke's Medical Center, after this we're gonna face the real chaos of our profession. I will miss all my co-trainees especially "Weng" my best buddy on the field, on singing, teasing and mocking our co-trainees. The sinister sister indeed.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Chinito/Chinky-eyed crushes

Name: Christopher John Alandy-dy Tiu
Basketball Cager/Host-Pinoy Records
It was only last October 2008, when I knew Chris Tiu. I was retrieving images at g-blogs when I accidentally noticed his picture wearing a jersey # 17, the first expression was He's "HoT" and drop-dead handsome. Actually my preference for an ideal guy is Tall, fair, lean and most of all Chinky-eyed. He is somehow a good catch because he is so smart a graduate of Management Engineering & now studying for master's degree. He has a business solely own named "Chinky Chicken" which sells rice meals in front of Ateneo De Manila Ubiversity. Now, his back with Ateneo Blue Eagles for another season. Chris tiu is truly deserving of the title "Tiuperman". "Kudos " to Chris Tiu.

"A lot like LOVE"

"If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place....I am the force!!!!!!!!!!"

Last June 02-06, 2008, our clinical rotation with my co-trainee Bong on St. Luke's Medical Center was on Cancer 2 a special Onco Unit. When I got there I've noticed this guy who happened to be the clinical pharmacist on the unit. I heard that temporarily he will be in the unit for one week, actually his original post is in Cancer 1. When I arrived I noticed his stealing glimpse and glances, at first i wasn't conscious because the heck I was late for a couple of minutes. He was cute stereotypical filipino, not to tall approximately 5'4" in height, fair, with braces, handsome i mean. When I proceed with my delegated task I always catch him staring at me, at first i felt weird but there's "Kilig". Then he kept on staying at my side, I felt butterflies on my stomach when he's around. On my third day, I was joking with Bong that he's my husband, good thing with Bong he rode on my jokes and kept on teasing me, at lunch time I even joked and introduced him to my closest trainee named "Weng", she said it was my first time that my "taste" got wrong in terms of picking a good looking guy. Let just say love is blind, such a cliche' indeed. But, when my last day of duty came, I was disappointed because the girl used to be the pharmacist of that unit took over. I saw him when I was in the elevator after my break, I saw his eyes i wasn't know what hidden message he was trying to imply. But the whole duty was full of emptiness and I was lonely the whole day. Folks! The lucky guy named is "JERWIN L. LIM RPh" working in ST. Luke's Medical Center. Pray for the best that Our path meet again. Hope I've got his number while his reciting it during the phone conversation. But what more can I say, Love come, Love goes.