Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Life Goes On"

Some people say when it rains it pours, its true in so many facets of life. There are times when you've experienced happiness you thought that wouldn't end and vice-versa. And when you experienced tide in your life you would wish it would end but it continuously clouding your life and losing all the thread of hope you had. I never tell myself I'm a strong person instead i always tell myself that I'm not alone in this battle that someone is fighting with me.

Being a nurse, i saw many people who draw their strenght and fate above. I saw many tears flowing from people whose hopes diminished and almost gave-up on their battle. I never understood them, they say we need "empathy" not sympathy. As a growing up individual i won so many battles, flopped many times but i struggled to stand up again. But the more successful you were on that battle a much difficult one will arise.

I read this quote on a book " God's in His heaven so all's right in the world", at first i was skeptical and i felt ambiguous because i couldn't digest the meaning of the verse. Until i experienced something that almost put me to tears, have you ever experienced something that when you woke up everything seems to be wrong, and at the end of the day all you've done was a mess. You always committed mistakes you couldn't afford. That situation was awful, i felt trapped, abandoned, irrelevant. Until i realized something, that i was forgetting something and someone who has been my companion since time immemorial. I went back to his place and talked to Him about my complains, about my predicaments, and guess what?! He listened, all of a sudden everything went OK!

I think that's what you call "Divine Intervention". There's a rainbow after the rain, and Life goes on and on..

Ainan :)

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