Sunday, January 15, 2012

Updated Version Of Me

First status at my FB account this year was ''2012 is my year and I'll claim it" inadvertently I will live by my words, I wanted this year to be full straight-forward with my goals. I'm setting my goals and hopefully little by little I'll achieved it.

Last year was somewhat a stable year, it wasn't a roller-coaster ride but somehow a plateau one. But this year I'm planning to make a difference not only with my ways of living but to come up with a better or newer version of myself. If you're going to ask me what will be the scariest thing that would ever happen to me? I would probably say If I wasn't able to grow as a person, not able to further my life and remain stagnant to where I am right now. I am a kind of person who doesn't want to rest on my laurels I wanted to learn, I wanted to be dynamic; life is a constant change you have to cope with every changes happening, treat it as water under the bridge as I always say anyways, moving on....

Last time I learned something the so called " Storming The Gates of Heaven" it means that it's not enough to pray or say "Bahala Na Si God'' what we must do is constantly ask God for our wishes, for our intentions. We must ask for it everyday, every minute and every second of our lives. Constantly thinking of what we desire. Notwithstanding, that's why he was called God but this coveted wish entails that we have to do something in return, we have to at least give back.

Lastly, I know that in order for a person to find true love one must seek first love deep inside his heart, learning to love oneself selfishly. I answered one question from a friend before the query was how do I remain happy despite being single? My answer was I constantly reminding myself that I am okay, accepting my choice living with the though that someday someone will come. Although the cold nights seemingly visiting me I have to psyched myself that I am okay that I can be happy albeit I'm single, but I'm not losing hope that someday someone will find the light I am emitting, the effervescent personality will be appreciated. and If that time comes I can say love really moves in mysterious ways. According to a famous D.J ''bawat kaldero may nakalaan takip" I guess I need to search and wait for my lid.
