Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"When Catastrophe Came"

Last September 26, 2009 will be marked on our country's history due to typhoon Ondoy's wrath, the metropolis was submerged to flood and mud because of the nine hours continuous rain. I myself experienced being stranded at Valenzuela City because i attended my friend's birthday party. I was trapped for one day, there we're no vehicles passing by because even a Bus was submerged to flood. Fortunately, we have foods although the electricity went out.

That was really a devastating experience, it was a lost of many lives not to mention material things and ways of living. I saw captured pictures and videos of the whole metropolis and the metro manila i have known was converted into an ocean in just a glimpse. It was really a tragedy all of us Filipinos would have never forget.

What really pains me and brought me to tears was when i read about a Korean comment on a blog in the "Twitter" and i quote " Have you heard the news?!The monkey island Philippines is flooded. I hope the rain will never stop to drown those monkeys". All of them are laughing, another one said "They will all die because monkeys cant swim". That was a cruel comment knowing that it came from a neighboring country. We Filipinos have been hospitable and love the Korean for their Telenovelas. I myself had a Korean friend when i was studying nursing and i was been so good to her, i was the only one talking and explaining everything to her.

On a lighter note, i was delighted by the overflowing of supports and financial aide from other countries. I was moved when i saw some Hollywood celebrities who used the Twitter to asked for support whole over the world. There were Demi & Ashton Kutcher, Alyssa Milano and Josh Groban to name a few. These shows that all of us is human, and we do need each other. Hope this coming Christmas will help to alleviate some loneliness and emptiness the past chaos brought.

Ainan ;(